Lambley Parish Council

Home End of Year Accounts  Audit Report List of Councillors Assets Meeting Papers Annual Parish Report Elections 2023 Reed Pond Group Cemetery  Parish Plan Flooding

Contact the Clerk to the Parish Council,Ewa Strumnik  at


Or call 07725834442

Lambley Reed Pond Group

The Reed Pond Group is a group of volunteers set up to manage the Reed Pond Nature Reserve which is owned by Lambley Parish Council.  Their management committee is chaired by Steven Bird, a Lambley resident, and he reports back to the Parish Council on its activities.

We hope to publish here news of their events and progress.  We will also publish the minutes of their meetings so that all residents and interested parties will know what is happening.

Please come back regularly.

Reed Pond as it used to be.

A recent view of the pond.

The latest minutes of the Reed Pond Group can be found here.

Latest Minutes

Minutes of the latest AGM

Action Plan

Constitution of theGroup

Ecological Report

Water Quality Report

Agenda for Next meeting

Data Protection

Archive of Reed Pond Group Minutes