Lambley Parish Council

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Contact the Clerk to the Parish Council,Ewa Strumnik  at


Or call 07725834442

The Parish Council belongs to the Notts County Council Flood Warden Scheme.

Flood Wardens are trained by the County Council to erect road closure signage when certain agreed trigger levels have been reached.  Before doing this the NCC Emergency Planning Officer has to agree with the action and the closure is reported on the NCC Road Closure website.  The subsequent closure has legal status and then police can be informed of any vehicles not co-operating with the wardens.  Drivers are reminded that their insurance is not valid if they ignore the signs.

At the moment, we have 14 trained wardens but if anyone in the village would like to join the team, please contact Cllr. Lawrence Milbourn, The Flood Warden Co-ordinator.

Read the Notts County Council leaflet on “Watercourses next to your Property”