Lambley Parish Council

Home End of Year Accounts  Audit Report List of Councillors Assets Meeting Papers Annual Parish Report Elections 2023 Reed Pond Group Cemetery  Parish Plan Flooding

Contact the Clerk to the Parish Council,Ewa Strumnik  at


Or call 07725834442

.    Lambley Parish Council

Chair’s Annual Report 2023/2024

The past year has been an interesting one with some significant challenges, not least of all, around flooding.   

As usual the village has come together to work to alleviate the flooding and to help each other out whenever and wherever they can and the Parish Councillors would like to thank each and every one of you who has helped out in whatever way towards ensuring everyone in our neighbourhood feels safe and cared for.

It has been a year where the Parish Council has been supported by various individuals and groups who have been prepared to give their time freely to the community.  The Flood Wardens, the Reed Pond Group, the Church Yard Gardeners, The Litter Pickers, the Tuesday coffee & cake group, those arranging the Neighbourhood Watch scheme, and of course our new look Village Magazine.  

We have, and continue to have various events in the village, many of which are not arranged by the Parish Council, but by the wider community including the Lambley Village Show, the various Quiz nights, the Carlton Brass Band event etc.

We even have of course our own Community Hero in the shape of Councillor Andy Musson who has been awarded a High Sherriff’s Award for the help he gives within the community such as when we need things moving mechanically, during times of flooding, and just whenever someone needs help generally.

Finances & Precept

You may be aware that a small proportion of the council tax which you pay to Gedling Borough Council is for Lambley Parish Council to be spent on necessary upkeep of the village, this is known as the Precept.   Having considered our budget for the coming year and required expenditure, it was decided to raise this from £35.15 to £37.01 per household (based on Band D as the average) for this financial year.   This represented a rise of 4.98% and generates an income of £18,749 for the year.    Gedling Borough Council has increased it’s council tax rate by 2.98% however this is a yearly increase of £5.48 per household.

There is no limit on the % increase for Parish Councils, however we have looked at the budgets for the coming year and are aware that there are various projects which we must find funds for.  Even with the 4.98% increase there is still a significant shortfall between our £18,749 income for the year and our anticipated forecasted budget.   We continue to ensure that we obtain the best value we can for our money and change suppliers where we feel we can save money whilst maintaining service and quality.

Reed Pond

The committee is run independently with quarterly updates to the Parish Council as land owner.   The group do amazing work, with other volunteers helping when they can.  A management plan has recently been created with monthly and yearly activities with plans for fund raising and activities to ensure that the area is appealing and a tranquil place for everyone in the community as well as a place where animals, birds and nature generally can exist in harmony.

Part of the plan is to identify Grant funds into which applications can be made to raise funds to create natural paths, zone the areas, and to create walkway out on to the pond itself.   The Group are planning to consult with the community on what individuals would wish to see on there in keeping with a natural habitat.


Lawrence Milbourn (Vice Chair of the Parish Council), has done a great job alongside the flood warden team, all of whom are volunteers, to keep the beck flowing during heavy rain.   Flooding incidents have been far too frequent and we continue to press for cleaning and maintenance of the gullies and for Severn Trent to provide for us the promised upgrade to the pumping station on Park Lane since this was in their previous plans but has now been removed due to reprioritisation of resources.   Trent Rivers Trust and the Environment Agency has agreed to meet with PC and to look at ways to stem flow down from the Dumbles.

We have been in touch with our local MP to ask for a Public Meeting for Lambley residents to look at ways in which the village may be able to employ flood mitigation measures, and at which all the various agencies will be present.   This is likely, we are told, to take place on a Friday morning in September due to diary availability.  We will of course let everyone know when this is once the date and time has been confirmed.

In the meantime we will continue to liaise with Severn Trent, Trent Rivers Trust, the Environment Agency, the County Council and Gedling Borough Council towards workable solutions.

Traffic movements and parking

Speeding is still an issue in the village, as is parking, especially at school drop off and pick up times.   We have had confirmation that the Speed Sign on Spring Lane which has been broken for some time will be being replaced.   

There have been various complaints about parking on Orchard Rise, near to the junction with Main Street and we have been liaising with Nottinghamshire Police who have been patrolling periodically.  We are also able to request that they write to those who have parked where they are obstructing pedestrians passing on the pavement, and where they have been using excessive speed through the village.  

Village Maintenance

Tim Tritton continues to do a great job for us as our Parish Council handy person which is a self employed paid role.  Cllr Richard Vincent and Cllr Chris Starr work with Tim to identify areas in the village which need attention, and to find the best way of ensuring it stays smart and appealing for all.  This year we will be engaging in the County Council “Lengthsman Scheme” which will enable us to claim a grant of over £1,000 each year towards village upkeep.

Works have been carried out to trees on the boundary on the left hand side as you enter the Cemetery to clear overgrown graves.   We have budgeted for a further three days of work in this financial year.  The initial clearance should enable us to work around the cemetery and ensure that no graves are obscured by foliage.

Trees have also been pollarded on the green space adjacent to Steeles Way/Trinity Crescent.   These trees are on land adopted by the Parish Council several years ago and were overhanging resident’s boundaries.

The footpath at Trinity Crescent has also been resurfaced along with some on the green space due to tree roots forcing up the tarmac.

Village Projects

The Children’s play park is coming to the end of its useful life and we are looking ahead to various grant opportunities to fund resurfacing and new equipment.   

Legal Action

It is with regret that I must report that a resident has recently taken the Parish Council to Court over an incident which took place in 1994. The dispute was around a grave space which had been purchased in the 1980’s.  The row containing the grave space had been de-commissioned by the Parish Council in 1994 due to a “rock strata” having been found and concerns about the ability to dig graves there.  The affected grave spaces were re-allocated to elsewhere in the cemetery.  

In 2021 the Parish Council were contacted about an overgrown grave space.  Our records showed that this was one of the reallocated spaces.  Given that the row had been de-commissioned 30 years ago, trees have now overgrown these spaces.  Despite the Parish Council offering an alternative space adjacent to a close family member and explaining the re-allocation, the resident insisted that the Parish Council had broken its contract by moving the grave space in 1994 and pushed the matter to Court.  The parish council was not covered by its insurance as the matter causing rise to the dispute had taken place in 1994 when we were with a different insurer. 

The Parish Council offered to engage in mediation through the Court, but this was declined.  Subsequently we have followed advice to settle the matter since costs were mounting and would continue to do so with no guarantee of success.  As a result there has been a cost to the Parish Council of c£7.5k including our own costs.

As Chair of the Parish Council, I have been involved heavily in these proceedings which have been protracted and complex and needed to remain confidential amongst the Parish Councillors until settled.  I am acutely aware of how tight budgets are, and so any monies being spent in such a way is both disappointing and frustrating.  We have however followed the advice given to the letter, and believe that we did everything possible to reduce the costs and to bring the matter to a close.

To each and every one of the Parish Councillors, various committee members and each and every volunteer who gives their time so generously to ensure our village and community is one to be proud of, thank you.    

Dawn Edwards