Lambley Parish Council

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Contact the Clerk to the Parish Council,Ewa Strumnik  at


Or call 07725834442

Lambley Parish Plan was published in 2009.  Click here to view a pdf. The plan included an action plan that was reviewed by the Parish Council after 10 years.

The Parish Council is now conducting a second review to see:-

     a) what is still to be achieved,

     b) what are the priorities of the residents.

We are asking residents to prioritise the main themes of the action plan and within each theme to prioritise your individual action points that are yet to be achieved.

Paper copies of the review sheet will be available from Lawrence at 9313701. Details in the Parish Magazine. Please complete this sheet if you would like to have your views represented. Hand the completed sheet to any Parish Councillor or post it through the letterbox at 12 Main Street.

Alternatively, you can find an electronic copy here and email your response to “”.

You will find the form here.